Elvira Vegas, Madrid office
1. Why did you choose Altia for your internship?
At my university you had to sign up for a job exchange and I didn't have the option to choose. I did the internship interview in Altia, and if I could have chosen, I would have chosen Altia.
2. How were your first days?
Like everyone else when they go to a new place, the first few days were a little scary.
For me it was my first work experience and it was very nice. My colleagues accepted me and integrated me from day one. Furthermore, on the part of those responsible, the tasks assigned to me were the same as those of the others. I was always treated as one more of the team.
3. How was your experience in the AltiaDigitalHub program?
My experience was rewarding in the sense of responsibilities. I was glad to see that what they told me in the interview was true, that's why I would repeat my experience.
4.- Did you imagine it like this?
I imagined it much colder. As a trainee, I thought they were going to give me smaller or unimportant tasks, however, the integration into the projects was total.
5. What do you think you've evolved into?
I have evolved professionally because now I have more knowledge about the world of work and I think with this experience I can perform better.
In addition, my internship was in line with the situation we are living in as a result of COVID-19, so I also learned how to adapt to teleworking.
6.- If you had to define your experience in 3 words, what would they be?
Challenge, teamwork and responsibility.