Altia participates in Fitur with Turistec
The company is present at the Turistec stand showing its concept of Smart Hotel to attendees.
#AltiaTechDay, an initiative for the training of young people in advanced technologies
The program consists of a series of courses taught by professionals of the company on advanced technologies applied in real projects of the company.
AI and technology integration boosts Industry 4.0
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence in business and everyday life has brought what many consider to be the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Implementation of Digital Check-in for Grupo Piñero
Thanks to the implementation of this system, the hotels of the Group collect all the documentation associated with the reservation in a digitalized and instantly available form.
New Office in Vizcaya
Altia arrives in Vizcaya with the opening of its new office in the Leioa, 10 km from Bilbao. With these new headquarters there are ten offices.
Altia selected by the CRE100DO program to boost business competitiveness
Altia has been selected to participate in CRE100DO, the country-program of business transformation launched by the Bankinter, the ICEX and the Círculo de Empresarios.
Altia shows its smart and sustainable cities projects at the Smart City Expo World Congress
Altia participates in SCEWC, the largest international event on smart cities that takes place in Barcelona from November 13 to 15
Altia Award for the best TFG in Computer Engineering of the USC
Altia and the University of Santiago de Compostela sign an agreement to boost talent in the technology sector.